Estate Planning

Planning Pitfalls: The Most Common Estate Planning Mistakes

Most people do not like to think about their eventual demise, and they certainly don’t like asking uneasy questions about estate planning. In fact, 6 in 10 adults in the United States do not have a will or living trust. And that is a problem, considering how many people want their assets to pass on to their…


On The Hunt: How to Find the Best Estate Planning Lawyer

Putting together a will is something that no one wants to think about, but it is crucial when it comes to handling your wealth and finances. Planning your estate requires the help and experience of a lawyer. They will help you make sense of the process so that you and your family members are covered….


Do Not Plan Alone: The Benefits of Hiring an Estate Planning Attorney

Are you getting your affairs in order? Wondering whether you should hire an estate planning attorney? If you are planning your will and estate, then it is essential that you do not try to do it all alone. While you may think you can do it yourself, the whole process will go a lot smoother…


Living Trusts vs Wills: What is the Difference And What is Best for You?

You have worked hard to secure your future and those of the people you love. You want to control what happens to your assets after you die. There are several approaches to making sure your assets are dispersed consistently with your requests. Maybe you have heard of these two legal instruments, but no one ever…

time to update your estate plan

Five Signs it is Time to Update Your Estate Plan

Is it time to update your estate plan? It is estimated that 58 percent of the baby boomer generation (those between the ages of 53 and 71) have an estate plan in place. However, once created, many people do not realize that updates may be needed from time to time. As a person ages and…


How Does Divorce Impact Your Will Beneficiary Designations

Divorce happens. And, if it is happening to you, you will want to know how it affects your will beneficiary designations. Divorce and Will Beneficiary Designation The last thing on your mind might be your death. But, your will and beneficiary designation is a serious part of your divorce. Take the time to do some proper…

discuss with your spouse

Five Estate Planning Tips to Make It Easy to Discuss with Your Spouse

Estate planning is not easy to discuss with your spouse. Chores, commitment, social media use — these are among some of the most difficult conversations couples can have. Another big sore spot on the list? Finances. We know that discussing your estate plan with your spouse is not easy. But it is better to discuss it…


Three Reasons Why Millennials Need an Estate Plan

Do you know why millennials need an estate plan? If you are younger than 45 or 50, you may not think you need to worry about estate planning. That is something you do when you start thinking about retirement, right? Those of us who are young and healthy have our whole lives ahead of us…

dying without a will

Dying without a Will: What Happens to Your Family and Your Estate?

If you end up dying without a will, what happens to your family and your estate if you die without a will? You might not want to think about your mortality, but getting your affairs in order may be more important than you think.  No matter how big or small your assets, whether you’re single or…


3 Things to Consider When Naming Your Children’s Guardian

Choosing your children’s guardian can be an extremely daunting task. Sure, there are those in your life that you trust enough to babysit. But would they take on the responsibility of raising your kids if something happened to you? You will probably have scores of friends and loved ones dropping lines that they would like…