Estate Planning

How Do I Appoint a Guardian For My Child If I Die?

How Do I Appoint a Guardian For My Child If I Die?

  Who Would Raise Your Children If Something Happened to You? Honestly, no one wants to think about this question. It’s an implicit reminder that we are indeed mortal, and, in some cases, we may leave this world before we are ready.  Who will you leave your child with if you die?  What are our…

An Estate Plan includes A Will and Living Trust

Wills & Living Trusts – Which is Better?

Most people won’t be able to describe the difference between a Will and a Trust.  Both are potentially beneficial planning devices and serve distinctly helpful purposes for an estate.  And both Wills and Trusts are common approaches to end of life planning.  So what is the difference?  Which is better for you when thinking about…

How to Avoid Probate

The Basics of Probate 

You’ve probably heard about trusts and wills at this point.  But in nearly all discussion about trusts and wills there is a legal term that most people don’t actually know what it means, probate.   What is Probate? Starting at the basics, probate is a legal procedure that settles a person’s affairs after his/her death. …

Lilac City Law will help you establish your Will

5 Reasons to Create a Will Today 

  One of the best things you can do to protect those you love and the assets you will leave behind in the event you pass away is to create a will today. Most people tend to avoid discussing what will happen to their wealth and estate should the worst occur, and we agree, it’s…