estate taxes washington state

What You Need to Know About a Durable Power of Attorney in 2017

What You Need to Know About a Durable Power of Attorney in 2018

There are several different types of Powers of Attorney (POA).  Regardless of the kind of Power of Attorney we are talking about, you are essentially enabling someone else to act on your behalf.  Often, you will sign a POA for legal representation, or for other situations in which you might want someone to be able…


Why You Need to Update Your Estate Plan After These Life Events

Too many estate plans are created and then quickly forgotten, put on a shelf, and never looked at again. While we do recommend that you review and update your estate plan at least every three years, no matter what happens in your life, your plan must be updated immediately in the event of any of…


Create a Plan to Protect Your Children

Family is important.  We have dedicated a big part of our business to supporting families in all phases of life. From Kids Protection Plans to disability and long term support advocacy.  The one thing we know that always makes things easier, is the value of creating a plan.   Remember When.. Think about it like…