an estate planning

Planning Pitfalls: The Most Common Estate Planning Mistakes

Most people do not like to think about their eventual demise, and they certainly don’t like asking uneasy questions about estate planning. In fact, 6 in 10 adults in the United States do not have a will or living trust. And that is a problem, considering how many people want their assets to pass on to their…

What Legal Documents Do I Need for my Estate Plan?

What Legal Documents Do I Need for my Estate Plan?

When setting up an estate plan, you may find yourself needing to find a lot of different documents. If you are using an estate planning attorney, you might find yourself asking, “What legal documents do I need?”  And more to the point, “what do I need to prepare these documents?” To help you, we have…

Break Down Estate Planning By Using These Worksheets

Break Down Estate Planning By Using These Worksheets

Estate planning is not something you are probably thinking about… especially if you are decades out from retirement.  It is one of those things we all know we should do but don’t think about until we are much older.  Sometimes, sadly, we do not think about it until it is too late. However, regardless of…

What is the Value of a Cheap Estate Plan?

What is the Value of a Cheap Estate Plan?

Here are five reasons why shopping for a cheap estate plan is likely to leave you with a plan that won’t work for your family and will leave them with a big mess instead. Bargain Hunting is Not Always a Good Deal The least expensive plan is not always even worth the paper it is…

How to Help Your Family Use Your Estate Planning Forms in An Emergency

How to Help Your Family Use Your Estate Planning Forms in An Emergency

In an emergency, everything is chaotic and stressful. Family members are often distraught and unable to clearly (and quickly) think about your wishes. What will happen to your children if you and your spouse are no longer able to care for them or yourselves? How will your family know your wishes or have access to…

4 Must-Have Estate Planning Documents for Every Young Adult

4 Must-Have Estate Planning Documents for Every Young Adult

You are young and you are ready to change the world!  But as you charge into the world, there’s something you maybe were never taught… The importance of taking steps to secure your current and future assets and estate through an appropriate estate plan.    Last Will and Testament A fully fleshed out estate plan consists…